Wednesday, October 3, 2018

After the Hiatus

Hello, and thank you for stopping by my blog. It's been nearly four years since my last post. Much has happened in the past four years, some good, some not so good, and some wonderful! By the grace and mercy of God, I am still here and am thankful for the growth I've experienced.

Since the November 2014 post, God has blessed me in every area of my life, and with every blessing, I'm reminded of His awesome love and faithfulness. Even when I fall short, He still loves me, and nothing can separate me from His love (Romans 8:35-39)!

For those of you who have followed the Simplicity of My Testimony over the years, you knew me as Melanie E. Beasley. One of the "some wonderful" things, as noted above, is that God blessed me to go from being a "Ms." to a "Mrs." and in the process, I joyfully received my husband's last name!
My Personal Code of Ethics to Which I Will Adhere

Recently, I was tasked with evaluating my life, my ethics, what matters most to me, specifically as it pertains to my walk with Christ. The assignment required that I develop my Personal Code of Ethics to Which I Will Adhere. As I started writing, God's words filled the page, and the result is a statement to which I will continually refer, as it serves to hold me accountable as a Christian, a person, a wife and family member, a church member, an employee, and a member of the community. 

My Personal Code of Ethics to Which I Will Adhere will likely grow and evolve as I do. Yet the foundation is set, and I am open to the direction of my Heavenly Father.

If you don't yet have a personal code of ethics, hopefully, this post will inspire you to embark upon the journey of creating one, as such an exercise may help you to put into words who you are and who you aspire to become.

May you be continually and abundantly blessed of God!